Shadow Alchemy Bootcamp

The Circus of the Archetypes

The Energetic Realm Is A Mystery

Welcome to your darkest shadows.

There are 4 main shadow archetypes running your life. And they are the cause of all your struggle.

These 6 weeks inside the Shadow Mastery Bootcamp will dive deep into the Archetypes and discuss nuances you’ve never heard before.

Some of them are sneaky and will try to trick you. It’s extremely imperative you know WHICH voice is speaking before you can even ATTEMPT to eradicate it.

Not understanding their nuances completely, is the cause of your struggle.


It’s the reason why every other method you have tried works temporarily. Like slapping a band-aid on a wound you never stitched up. You feel a little better, but the issue gets worse.


There’s a certain skill set you develop when you get very intimate with the archetypes. You develop a bullshit radar. And you know what that makes you? Someone who blows people’s minds (and your own) with how easily you can identify what the problem REALLY is. Saving them hours, months, years and thousands of dollars.


The energetic realm is a mystery. It holds the secret switch to a euphoric life in 3D. The thoughts and feelings you believe to be true, the ones you hold most dear, (you will realize in this Bootcamp) are nothing more than illusion.


Your entire life has been crafted around voices that are nothing more than a lie to keep you “safe”.


And if you think you know them - you don’t.


Welcome to The Shadow Mastery Bootcamp. Take a peek behind the curtain. They’re waiting for you.

Join the Circus

50% Complete

Two Step

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